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Faster indicator setup and results tracking in's latest release!

We're very excited to announce's latest release enables your program team to significantly decrease the time it takes to create indicators and track results by including stakeholders in measurement properties and you can copy measurement properties from one indicator to any other indicator within a project.

Please see below for details:

A. Logframe

  • Stakeholders in indicators: Any Organization and Thing stakeholders that are entered on a project’s Overview screen appear on the Indicator Setup screen, making them available to be pulled into an indicator for results tracking by stakeholder. This feature, in combination with the existing ability to log data against dimensions and disaggregates, enables more nuanced data entry. For example, if different tree species are each listed as “thing” stakeholders, and one dimension is tree age, it’s now possible to list the number (or percentage, etc.) of trees—by tree species—that are of a certain age.

  • NOTE: intentionally disallows pulling People stakeholders into indicators as is not a case management system.

  • Copy measurement properties: When creating a new indicator on a project, it’s now possible to copy all measurement properties (i.e., dimensions/disaggregates and stakeholders) from one indicator to another indicator in the same project. This feature has significant time-saving implications, especially for projects where there are indicators with many stakeholders or dimensions/disaggregates attached to them.

B. Bug Fixes and Minor UI Improvements

  • Projects Page: 404 error no longer occurs when creating new programs.

  • Logframe: For indicators that only have data entered for one reporting period, dots are shown—versus no visual representation at all—on the line graph.

  • Logframe: Summed values are now displaying for disaggregates that are associated with integer or decimal indicators which are incremental and aggregable.

  • Logframe: for the first data entry row for percentage indicators, toggling between data entry methods (decimal vs. percent) no longer auto-closes the data entry panel.

  • Logframe: Dates entered for an activity on the Logframe now carry forward to the corresponding data entry page.

  • Logframe: Global indicators (i.e., indicator from Project Elements) pulled into a Logframe no longer include the explanatory text for custom indicators (i.e., indicators that are Logframe-specific).

  • Stories: Accent characters (e.g., tilde etc) which exist as part of indicator names that are selectable from the ‘insert chart’ function in Stories are no longer are distorted.

  • Whiteboard: Text no longer bleeds beyond the bounds of a text box.

  • Global: Search/create boxes for Logframe elements (i.e., goal, objective, activity, indicator) are all now single lines; they were previously taller, which incorrectly suggested multi-line entry.

C. Backend and Security Updates (Private)

As always, please continue to share your feedback and let us know what you love or if anything is not functioning in the platform as expected. Thank you for your ongoing involvement and insight as we strive to design and build the best we can for you and your social impact colleagues around the world.



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